Mindset and values

1. You observe the values described in the company’s strategic plan.

This means that you know, understand and accept the pillars upon the organization culture is built, you respect them and your action is fully aligned.

Having this skill means that:

  • A strategic business plan is written defining the objectives of a company.
  • The strategic plan is created under the definition of the vision and values of the organization.
  • Your attitudes and behaviours are influenced by the convictions, priorities, and underlying assumptions of the company.
  • You respect the beliefs and purpose that you are truly committed to.
  • You do not make decisions against them

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you observe the values described in the company strategic plan?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You have a well-defined strategy for your employees.

This means that you have a clear vision of what you want from and for your workers, not only in the short term, but also in the mid and long ones considering them as basic elements of the organization.

Having this skill means that:

  • The company has a well-defined strategy for their employees
  • There is a match between the job and the skills held by the employee.
  • You clearly establish the task, responsibilities and objectives.
  • Expectations for work performance, and the planning of ways to meet these expectations are established.
  • You manage rewards and praise for good performance, and managing poor performance effectively.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you have a clear strategy for your employees?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You establish criteria and methodology for the continuous improvement of your employees.

This means that you have a training plan for your workers, generating a growing atmosphere and fostering both personal and professional development in the frame of the organization.

Having this skill means that:

  • You communicate expectations in an open line.
  • You unleash the potential of your employees.
  • You promote a creative work environment.
  • You celebrate innovations and encourage proactivity.
  • You encourage diversity among employees.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you establish criteria for the continuous improvement of your employees?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You are results oriented, establishing a teamwork culture?

This means that you are focused on outcomes rather than processes used to produce a product or deliver a service, but in the way you are developing a common philosophy and a sense of belonging.

Having this skill means that:

  • You work on projects where you can measure the results.
  • You find ways to measure outcomes.
  • You anticipate, identify, and effectively deal with problems and risks.
  • You see the big picture on personal and company goals.
  • Your working style is aligned with the core values of the company.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you establish a teamwork culture?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You establish a strategy where all your employees can improve and produce the expected results.

This means that you understand the importance of the workforce and consider your employees as the main asset of the organization in order to achieve the planned goals.

Having this skill means that:

  • You clearly outline roles and responsibilities.
  • You encourage recognition.
  • You delegate and empower your team.
  • You cultivate open communication.
  • You define, communicate and share the vision of the company.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you have a strategy where all your employees can improve and produce the expected results?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. You have a growth mindset.

According to Dr. Carol Dweck, this means that “people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment”.

Having this skill means that:

  • You feel comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty.
  • You have clarity on what others expect from your leadership.
  • You are open to the unique needs and perspective of others.
  • You have a great sense of preparedness and feel ready for transformation.
  • You seek to eliminate complacency in your environment.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you have a growth mindset?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your mindset and the respect to the values of the company. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your team and your organization, such as:

  • Difficulties in adapting to the changes and new scenarios.
  • Problems to anticipate and overcome obstacles.
  • Decrease the capacity to learn and explore new and alternative strategies.
  • Fear to take risks that would potentially “damage” the comfort zone.
  • It attracts mediocre relationships that will hardly bring long-term satisfaction.

We recommend you to work on your mindset and the observation to the values of the company. You could improve the following aspects:

  • Clear definition of the vision and values of the organization.
  • Share that vision with the team and create a company culture.
  • Value the process over the end result.
  • Dissociate improvement from failure.
  • Make a new goal for every goal accomplished.

You have a growth mindset and respect for your own values and those of the organization. This means that you are ready to:

  • Make clear decisions based on your goals and values.
  • Look for chances to improve yourself and your team.
  • Feel ready to be inspired by others.
  • Look for new opportunities to grow personal and professionally.
  • Be flexible and adaptable to the uncertainty and the new situations, even the negative ones.


1. You measure your style of communication in the interaction with your team; firm in the matter, smooth in the form

This means that you are able to balance the message you want to share with your team, keeping the importance of the content but taking into account the way you express it with respect and empathy.

Having this skill means that:

  • You do not minimize the importance of the message.
  • You show a high degree of respect for the receiver.
  • You want to transfer the content without hurting the receiver’s feelings.
  • You are focused on keeping the good atmosphere in the team.
  • You stand firm in your opinions.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you measure your style of communication in the interaction with your team?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You have a high domain in the use of the assertive communication.

This means that you are able to express your opinions and defend them to the limit, being self-assured and confident without being aggressive with others.

Having this skill means that:

  • You express your feelings, needs, ideas, and rights in ways that don’t violate the rights of others.
  • You know your rights and respect those of others.
  • You are able to initiate and maintain comfortable relationships with other people.
  • You are clear about your intention and your role.
  • You are able to say “no” and can wait for a “no” from the other people.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you have a high domain of the assertive communication?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You foster nurturing conversations, taking into account the voice of your team with active listening.

This means that you understand the power of internal communication and the relationship between the level and quality of your conversations and your results.

Having this skill means that:

  • Your conversations are result oriented.
  • You avoid criticism, complaints and prejudices.
  • You are really interested in the team’s opinion and listen to them with the five senses.
  • You use language to declare objectives, create new scenarios and declare operational strategies.
  • You are not committed to be always right.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you foster nurturing conversations, taking into account the voice of your team with active listening.

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You generate conversations based on mutual feedback.

This means that you understand that communication implies a two-way process and you are firmly interested in your interlocutor’s opinion.

Having this skill means that:

  • You are ready to listen and accept external opinions.
  • You are able to generate accurate and respectful feedback on other.
  • You are committed to generate relationships with your employees.
  • You want to make mutual feedback a part of the company culture.
  • You want feedback to be useful and aimed to continuous improvement.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you generate conversations based on mutual feedback?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You make yourself responsible of how you issue and receive your communication.

This means that you know that communication has to do not only with what you express, but also with what the other understands.

Having this skill means that:

  • You are aware of your whole (verbal and non-verbal) communication.
  • You take care about the WHAT, but also about the HOW.
  • You want your interlocutor to receive the whole idea you are expressing.
  • You make an effort to understand and catch the content and the spirit of the message.
  • You check with your interlocutor if he/she understands what you mean.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you make yourself responsible of how you issue and receive your communication?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. You give the same quality of feedback to each team member.

This means that you understand the organization as a system of elements, diverse but interconnected, and all their members must be given feedback in the same way.

Having this skill means that:

  • You have defined criteria for success clearly to each.
  • You hold everyone to consistent criteria.
  • You avoid filter based assumptions.
  • You know that negative feedback is like Velcro , but positive feedback can roll off you like a Teflon coating
  • You understand the Situation where feedback happens, your Behaviour and the Impact of that behaviour (SBI).

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you give the same quality of feedback to each team member?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your capacity to give feedback and communicate with your team. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your employees and your organization,
such as:

  • Fatigue for excesive feedback.
  • Fatigue for excesive feedback.
  • Lack of benchmark for change or improvement.
  • Lack of benchmark for change or improvement.
  • Failure to transmite the proper orders.

We recommend you to work on your capacity to give feedback and communicate with your team. You could improve the following aspects:

  • Be objective.
  • Don’t give negative feedback about the person, but about the action.
  • Listen and pay attention.
  • Control the environment. Try to speak in a private place.
  • Control the environment. Try to speak in a private place.

You have a good capacity to give feedback. This means that you are doing something really well, such as:

  • Be specific.
  • Be inmediate.
  • Link Feedback to Goals.
  • Your comments are oriented to action.
  • You are using the right words and you do not avoid it.

Manager transition

1. You explore your areas of improvement before a change of position in the organization.

This means that you are aware of the new and different competences demanded in case of a promotion in the company to a managerial position.

Having this skill means that:

  • You are open to develop and implement new skills.
  • You are aware your new position demands new competences.
  • You are ready to become a learner again.
  • You can detect your weak points and the threats they suppose for your new position.
  • You are able to learn from other’s experience.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you explore your areas of improvement before a change of position in the organization?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You plan the change management to make your company and employees more flexible.

This means that you have a proactive mentality and behaviour towards the new situations.

Having this skill means that:

  • You are open to changes.
  • You are aware of the importance of cognitive and behavioural flexibility.
  • You are able to manage uncertainty.
  • You encourage your employees to change and improve.
  • You have a growth mindset.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you plan the change management to make your company and employees more flexible?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You re-evaluate your goals to adapt them in a VUCA environment.

This means that you are flexible enough to understand and survive in a context of Volatility; Uncertainty; Complexity and Ambiguity.

Having this skill means that:

  • You must seek new orientations.
  • You must take a fresh approach to management.
  • You are to change and even reject strategies.
  • You are more concerned with humans and their needs.
  • You have the willingness to engage in genuine cooperation and take on clear responsibilities.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you re-evaluate your goals to adapt them in a VUCA environment?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You explore new, innovative, creative and different ways to perform.

This means that you are a creative leader, able to develop new scenarios for your company and your team.

Having this skill means that:

  • – You understand the shift from being an individual contributor to manager.
  • – You are not afraid of innovation and new strategies.
  • – You accept the challenges of the transition to managerial positions.
  • – You consider creativity a basic skill.
  • – You are able to inspire the changes in your environment.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you explore new, innovative, creative and different ways to perform?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You like to be evaluated in the learning cycle skill-upskill-reskill

This means that you are aware of the importance of renew and extend your skills and competences according to your new situation in the company.

Having this skill means that:

  • You are a lifelong learner.
  • You are humble to learn and unlearn.
  • You have curiosity and desire to improve.
  • You understand that old skills were useful, but no longer.
  • You are an inspiration for the people around to learn.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you like to be evaluated in the learning cycle skill-upskill-reskill?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. You like to walk the way from employee to manager.

This means that you are already capable of the new responsibilities, and that you understand the role a manager needs to play.

Having this skill means that:

  • You find solutions and take initiative.
  • You deliver on your commitments.
  • You maintain a positive rapport with your colleagues.
  • You have learned from others who were in the same situation.
  • You are open to be mentored or coached.

On scale of 1-10 to what extent do you like to walk the way from employee to manager?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your skills from individual contributor to manager. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your employees and your organization, such as:

  • Adjusting to managing people and displaying authority.
  • Adjusting to managing people and displaying authority.
  • Leading team achievement.
  • Managing internal stakeholders and politics.
  • Coaching, developing, and mentoring others.

We recommend you to work on your skills from individual contributor to manager. You could improve the following aspects:

  • Delegating and micromanaging.
  • Managing conflict.
  • Working with a range of employees.
  • Communicating.
  • Managing performance and accountability.

You have good skills in the transition from individual contributor to manager. This means that you are doing something really well, such as:

  • Set the agenda and priorities of your team, not just yourself.
  • Stop doing and start delegating.
  • Be flexible.
  • Be particularly mindful of how you manage your time.
  • Spend more time learning the whole business.

Emotional inteligence

1. You manage your emotional states in a right way, so they don´t have a negative impact on yourself or your team.

Emotional states are the result of maintaining a certain emotion sustained over time. Thus, our results will be more or less functional depending on how operational our state of mind is.

Having this skill means:

  • Knowing how to recognize your feelings (anger, frustration, etc.).
  • Being responsible of those feelings without blaming others.
  • Being aware of the reasons which generate them.
  • Self-regulating your emotions.
  • Responding appropriately to those emotions.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you manage your emotional states?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You feel a high degree of self-confidence in your performance as a manager or team leader.

Self-confidence is the conviction to achieve objectives and perform a job, knowing how to choose the best approach to achieve it.

Having this skill means:

  • Feeling an appropriate level of self-esteem.
  • Having an appropriate degree of self-knowledge.
  • Knowing how to accept criticism and use it to improve.
  • Having the ability to be resilient.
  • Having a good self-concept.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident and determined do you feel as a manager?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You create an environment in your company that minimizes risk factors in the workplace.

Psychosocial risks at work are caused by poor organisation and a negative social environment. They can affect the physical, psychological or social health of employees.

Having this ability means:

  • voiding stressors that generate work anxiety.
  • Knowing how to manage stress and frustration.
  • Considering the feelings of the people who work with you.
  • Thinking clearly and solving problems under pressure.
  • Becoming involved in team dynamics by focusing on solutions rather than problems.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you manage to create a psychosocially healthy environment in your company?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You maintain an empathetic attitude in your professional relations with employees, colleagues and collaborators.

Empathy is the ability to understand the reality and emotional state of another person, almost in all its complexity. This does not necessarily mean understanding and respecting the opinions and arguments that
the state or reaction that the other person expresses.

Having this skill means:

  • Practicing active listening.
  • Knowing how to interpret the other person’s verbal and non-verbal language.
  • Providing support and help.
  • Facilitating the resolution of conflicts and problems.
  • Avoiding complaints and recriminations.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate your level of empathy in your work environment?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You manage stress and anxiety in your team.

Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. People can report feeling stressed when multiple competing demands are placed on them. The feeling of being stressed can be triggered by an event that
you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a reaction to stress, or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant stressors in their life.

Having this skill means:

  • You are able to predict stressful situations.
  • You can manage those situations before getting worse and affect the team.
  • You understand the negative effects they can have in your team.
  • You are able to reduce mistakes and create a calm atmosphere.
  • You know how to keep your team active and ready, making stress an operational emotion.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you manage stress and anxiety in your team?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. You consider yourself capable of keeping motivated and motivating your team for the development of your work and professional responsibilities.

Motivation in the work environment refers to the capacity of a company or manager to keep his/her employees involved in order to offer the maximum performance and thus achieve the business objectives set by the

Having this skill means:

  • Knowing how to adapt to each person to the best position for him/her.
  • Recognizing achievements.
  • Establishing clear and viable goals associated with some type of incentive.
  • Managing the level of trust with each member of your team.
  • Being an example and being consistent with the rules and guidelines.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you consider yourself capable of keeping motivated and motivating your team?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your skills about emotional management. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your employees and your organization, such as:

  • Conflict solving and prevention.
  • Management of stressful situations.
  • Generation of bad or toxic relationships in the workplace.
  • Lack of empathy with your team.
  • Creation of negative states of mind and lack of results.

We recommend you to work on your skills about emotional management. You could improve the following aspects:

  • Emotional stability (the ability to manage your own emotions and tolerate stress).
  • Conscientiousness (tendency to be diligent, hardworking, control impulses).
  • The ability to perform emotion-related behaviors, like expressing emotions, empathizing with others, and combine emotion with reasoning.
  • Cognitive ability (balancing IQ and EQ).
  • Confidence in the ability to cope with the demands of your and your team job.

You have good skills about emotional management. This means that you are doing something really well, such as:

  • You express yourself openly, and allow people to do the same.
  • You listen and are a compassionate ear for everyone.
  • You are able to control your impulses.
  • You do not take long term decisions under sudden emotions.
  • You have high levels of self-motivation and motivate others.

Decision making

1. You develop strategic thinking for the decision making in your company.

Strategic thinking has a goal and analyse the means you (or your company) have to achieve it. Then, it displays those means to facilitate the achievement in the best possible way, with the minimum temporary and
material cost and the maximum benefit.

Having this skill means:

  • Focusing on the whole Company, detecting needs and posible improvements in every department.
  • Fostering a participative decision making.
  • Analysing the development of the company’s misión as an element of decision making.
  • Promoting enabling envorinment for creativity and generation of ideas.
  • Being flexible and adaptative in the performance of plans, procedures and programs.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you develop strategic thinking for decision making?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You delegate responsibilities in your colleagues to acquire a higher level of efficiency in the Company.

Delegation is the ability to give to other person a degree of autonomy and power to make decisions or carry out some specific activities. It is one of the basic concepts of leadership and management, because the
responsibility still remains in the person who delegated.

Having this skill means:

  • Having full confidence in the team.
  • Considering your collaborators competent.
  • Focusing on results, not in processes.
  • Sharing all the useful and relevant information.
  • Setting a follow-up plan.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you delegate responsibilities?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You have a methodology to evaluate situations to be decided.

This refers to the skill of prioritizing and order issues in less or more important ; and less or more urgent to make the right decisions.

Having this skill means:

  • Having a right time management.
  • Knowing how to organize resources and procedures.
  • Choosing the most efficient options and anternatives.
  • Categorizing the relevant and inmediate.
  • Taking into account the conditions and restrictions to be respected.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you have a methodology to evaluate situations?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You consider yourself an efficient profesional in decision making.

This means that you can manage uncertainty being conscious about the consequences of every decision, in an agile way and always looking for the the best result for the organization.

Having this skill means:

  • You make the difference between accept and decide.
  • You do not avoid or procrastinate decisions.
  • You do it in the right time and way.
  • You clearly set goals to be achieved with every decision.
  • You meet the relevant information.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you consider yourself an efficient decision maker?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You are flexible making decisions in order to adapt your organization to new backgrounds and situations.

This refers to the ability to analyze and make decisions trata de tener la capacidad de analizar y saber tomar decisiones en distintos escenain different context, but always in a coherent way with the mission,
and values of the company, answering unexpected situations or new challenges.

Having this skill means:

  • Making decisions in optimistic, pesimistic or conservative contexts.
  • Being creative and generate alternatives.
  • Evaluating the risks of not deciding.
  • Reformulating strategies and procedures.
  • Making different decisions to achieve different results.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you consider yourself flexible making decisions?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. You prepare contingency plans or preventive actions in case of strategic decisions for the company.

A contingency plan describes the steps to be taken to guarantee the survival and operativeness of the company in case of failed decisions or strategies. They should allow to react in the right and effective way to
overcome those situations.

Having this skill means:

  • Making decisions base don an action plan.
  • Making a previous analysis of the situation considering different scenarios.
  • Measuring decisions with the team, as well as consequences and posible answers.
  • Assuming the responsibility in the results of the decision.
  • Redesign the focus with new strategies.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you prepare contingency plans?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your decision making skills. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your employees and your organization, such as:

  • Lose productivity.
  • A cultural decay. The organization perceives a poor leadership and undecision.
  • The organization goes off track.
  • You develop fear of the following decisions and a fixed mindset.
  • You develop fear of the following decisions and a fixed mindset.

We recommend you to work on your decision making skills. You could improve the following aspects:

  • • Gather all the important information.
  • • Identiify all possible alternatives.
  • • Weigh the evidences.
  • • Review decisions and learn from them.
  • • Take action!

You have good decision making skills. This means that you are doing something really well, such as:

  • Impacting positively others with your decisions.
  • Including others in your decisions.
  • The decisions are clear and replicable.
  • Showing the pragmatics of your decisions.
  • Involving self awareness in your decisions.


1. You pay attention to the adequate training for your employees and team to do their job more efficiently.

It has to do with spending time and effort within your work time, instructing your collaborators to learn how to do their work in the way you need it to be done, showing them how to save time and effort.

Having this skill means:

  • You share your profesional experience with your employees.
  • Seek the professional growth of your collaborators.
  • You observe the areas of improvement of each of them.
  • Increase their self-confidence in the professional performance.
  • Increase their self-confidence in the professional performance.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you pay attention to the training of your team?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

2. You add value to your employees and teams by offering them support, resources, and advice

The aim is to encourage the development of the professional skills of your employees, designing an individual professional development plan and promoting the means they need to achieve it.

Having this skill means:

  • You develop observation skills.
  • You detect the potential that exists in each of your employees.
  • You are available to them.
  • You make training suggestions.
  • You encourage the recognition of their own skills.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you add value to your employees?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

3. You get involved in finding solutions when your employees are in difficulties or professional problems.

It has to do with considering yourself as part of the problem or difficulty, recognizing that you had a hand in making it happen, taking part in the search for solutions and collaborating with the team in its

Having this skill means:

  • You consider yourself co-responsible with your team.
  • You bring perspective and experience.
  • You focus on the solution.
  • You give confidence and resources to the team.
  • You do not exaggerate the consequences of the problem.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you get involved when your employees are in problems?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

4. You are interested in establishing nurturing personal and professional relationships with your team.

This skill has to do with encouraging feedback of professional and personal experience, sharing knowledge and generating synergies of talent.

Having this skill means:

  • Establishing a balance in relationships by avoiding role confusion.
  • Showing personal interest and concern for employees.
  • Avoiding distant and haughty positions.
  • Knowing how to listen and maintain attention.
  • Practicing valuable conversations.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend are you interested in establishing nurturing relationships with your team?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

5. You consider it your responsibility to ensure the job satisfaction of your employees.

This aspect is related to your ability to maintain an adequate level of motivation and enthusiasm, in a sustained manner over time in your employees and collaborators.

Having this skill means:

  • Offering them opportunities for professional development.
  • Showing them what you expect from them.
  • Giving them an appropriate level of autonomy and confidence.
  • Providing them with the necessary tools to develop their talent.
  • Keeping your team trained and updated.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you consider your responsibility to ensure the job satisfaction of your employees?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high

6. Apart from coordinating, you are in charge of developing your team members through the assignment of roles and objectives.

The issue is not only to focus on achieving efficiency and profitability, but also to generate conditions of competitive growth for your employees, setting a training plan through action that represents challenge,
change and evolution.

Having this skill means:

  • You know how to challenge your team with challenging questions.
  • You redirect your employees towards commitment and results.
  • You encourage flexibility and change management.
  • You mentor the process of skill acquisition.
  • You recognise progress and understand difficulties in the process.

On a scale of 1 to 10, to what extend do you feel in charge of developing your team members?

1 – very low, … 10 – very high


We strongly suggest you to work on your coaching skills. This evaluation about your style of leadership can entail some risks for you, your employees and your organization, such as:

  • Lack of confidence between you and your people.
  • Low personal and professional development.
  • Fear to express ideas openly.
  • The self-confidence of the employees is rattled..
  • You do not gather enough information about what is happening to your team.

We recommend you to work on your coaching skills. You could improve the following aspects:

  • Ask guiding questions.
  • Listen and empower.
  • Recognize what’s going well.
  • Coach in the moment.
  • But talk about next steps and be able to create an inspirating future.

You are a good coach. This means that you are doing something really well, such as:

  • Bring specific and well-defined issues to the attention of others.
  • Treat individuals as partners in the organization.
  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of his or her employees.
  • Listen to others and tries to understand their points of view .
  • Directly ask for a commitment to solutions that have been agreed upon.











Questionary succeed

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